Today’s legal work often involves large volumes of discovery material, both paper and electronic, that can overwhelm your in-house resources. Whether you are responding to a regulatory investigation, preparing
a case for trial or arbitration, you need experienced litigation and trial consultants that can get your document imaging and coding projects done fast, done economically and done right.
Trial Concepts’ experienced litigation support team provides large-volume and fast turnaround imaging of your documents that are formatted according to your specifications. We offer a consultative approach to document imaging that enables our clients to determine the most efficient, cost-effective solutions and receive a product that meets their specific needs. We implement 100 percent quality control that virtually eliminates unreadable documents. Our dual inspection quality control process utilizes visual examination of each imaged page by
two individuals for verification of no missing pages within the document, that the data was captured successfully and that the image key matches the Bates numbers. Visual confirmation is an integral part of
our quality assurance program.
Once the electronic documents are imaged according to your requirements, the next critical step is coding. Coding enables your legal team to identify important documents quickly. Our litigation consultants build a database of information that is tailored to the needs of your case. Prior to coding, we will consults with your team to establish coding protocols that meet your case requirements. We offer both subjective and objective coding. Objective coding provides basic information such as type of document, date, author, and recipient. We can search for key words and relevant data in the documents and provide a full and accurate index of
the documents for your legal team.